Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is it possible?

To start this blog, I am posting just a set of questions. This blog will be about meandering through the possible answers to these questions:
1. Is economic growth always desirable?
2. Is it
always possible?
3. Can the profit motive co-exist with welfare-of-all?
4. Is it always necessary to monetise?
5. What value is growth bringing into lives - yours and mine?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are all very pertinent questions in this day and age, when economic growth is threatening to (if not already) outstrip what the planet can sustain in terms of supply (of raw materials) and absorption (of waste, other externalities such as carbon, etc).

My short answer to questions 1 to 4 is NO. As for question 5, I would think that value is not something that growth (or any external phenomenon) can bring into a person's life; rather, value, by definition, is something that is assigned by human beings as per their will, circumstances, and the society and culture where they are living. Good luck with the blog and on your quest to find answers to these very critical questions.